Thursday, April 21, 2016

Speech Choir and Ignite Speech Competition

        On April 21, Speech Choir and Ignite Competition was held at APC Auditorium. Everyone including our block was really busy preparing for the event -the props, the costume and many more. I can also see the other sections preparing as well in the competition. Meanwhile, my blockmate Geraldine Bravo was also preparing for her Ignite Speech which I can see that the pressure is really on.

         As we watched the other sections perform their interpretation of the poem Caged Bird by Maya Angelou, I can really feel the pressure as I watch them. There are some sections who really did a great job. When our it is our turn, my heart cant stop beating so fast. I feel like Iw as about to choke or something. In the stage, all I could think of is that I should do my part well. We gave everything we've got and I hope it was enough for us to win. The next event was the Ignite Speech Competition and Geraldine was about to deliver her speech. She talked about signs that a guy likes you back. Geraldine did a great job in delivering her speech. When all of us already performed, the next things was the awarding ceremony.

         The announcing of the winners was really intense for me. Every time our block is called, we always shout and cheer because our block won a lot of awards. Our block won 4 awards: 2nd runner up for the speech choir competition, best in logo design, and champion for both Public Speaking and Ignite Speech Competition. I'm so proud of our block because all the stress and hard work really paid off.

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